Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It'd be Funny if it Wasn't so Ridiculous

I didn't get but 2 hours of sleep last night.  Needless to say, it was an eventful 24 hour work day. The commotion started yesterday afternoon when I got a call saying that I needed to bring a girl to the airport the following morning; no problem. 30 min later my fellow RS told me that she had been assigned to do that and it was actually two girls she was taking not just one. Mind you, stuff like this happens ALL the time. Then after it had been figured out that the RS staff and 2 girls were going leave at 4am, we combined cabins for the night so I could monitor all the girls by myself after she left. 10:30pm we get a call saying that one of the girl's flights has been cancelled. We will be notified upon further arrangements as they come through. The girl starts going into hysterics... 12am we get a call from yet another staff member saying that SHE is supposed to be the taking girls to the airport in the morning.  "No, you're not" we explain, "It's already been taken care of." I go to sleep. 2am the lights go on while the girl preparing to leave gets ready. Sleep over. Finally, the one girl and the RS leave. Then another girls comes to me, asking for a flashlight because she's having a nightmare. I lay back down. 15 min later the phone rings. I answer to find out that the other girls flight has been re-scheduled to 12:00pm the same day. It's now like 6am. I do last night's laundry and get up the early birds that want to shower. At 7 I get everyone up... they get ready, do chores, etc. 7:40 as we're going out the door the phone rings again... "There's a flood down here at the lodge," says the cook who just arrived, "I need you to call the maintenance man." That figures. Something like that would happen when I have more girls than usual on my own anyway. So I make more calls, and actually get everyone down to the lodge and settled into their routine, somewhat adapted due to the flood. At 9:30am I leave with the girl for the airport to catch her re-scheduled flight. All I'm going to say is for the next hour after getting there, I was on the phone with her parents and my boss, going from ticket counter to ticket counter trying to get her on an airplane lest her mother who is already freaking out starts to freak out more. Once I actually have the poor child checked in and on her way, her luggage fee charged on MY credit card, I actually went home. How many other ways can I explain to my bosses and co-workers that communication is SOOO important?! That it would make all of our lives so much simpler!

The exciting/sad news about work is that one of my girls graduated yesterday. It's funny how it takes no time at all to entwine two lives together... and she and I had developed a great relationship in the short amount of time I'd been there. It's like the eaglet learning to fly as you say goodbye. What can you say as you release your grasp and any measure of influence or ability to control her decisions? Nothing. But I prayed a blessing over her, that she would rise up and soar; that she would trust the Lord even when it seems too big or to scary, and not falter in her quest to move from a "Sunday faith" to making her faith an everyday part of her life. And that's all I can do. 

I want to cry a little bit right now... my baby MacBook is freaking out and just erased some of my precious photo library. I didn't have it backed up... :-( In the grand scheme of life, I guess it is not the end of the world, but it is SO FRUSTRATING! Any recovery experts out there? Why the outlined blank box with a question mark in the middle?  

As an afterthought here, I will also mention that I went to the laundromat today since I have no washer and dryer... now, was that ever fun. $3.50 PER load just to wash it? Really? You're serious? 

3 more days till I get to go home! :-)

1 comment:

  1. were your lost photos in iphoto? sometimes they're still hidden on the hard drive even when they disappear from iphoto.
